Be Inspired in July
I have shared the below phrases in one of my global personal development forums which has had an extremely positive impact and I would like to share it with you.
6 months of 2018 has passed, time to Stop, Think and Reflect. Some thoughts to consider:
- Be kind to yourself
- If you had tried, pat yourself on the back
- If you started something and you have not as yet finished, give yourself credit for starting
- If you are paying attention to what people are saying, pay MORE attention to what you are saying to yourself
- If you are comparing yourself to others, start comparing yourself to the way you USED to be
- If you feel that you are not perfect as yet, not knowledgeable as yet, not beautiful as yet, remember you are a human being
I hope you have enjoyed reading the above.
And a little bit more, I would like to share with you:
- Best Leadership article I have read this year: (Send this article to someone you know who inspires you and it will make them smile)
- Best Video I have watched this year: Simon Sinek, Organisational Consultant and Speaker, Simon speaks about Millennials in the workplace of today, and social media addiction:
- Best Book I have read this year: Tools of Titan written by Tim Ferris, the tactics, routines, and habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers
- Best Program I have created this year: A Second Opinion, 15 minute Resume Review, a career investment of $50.00
- Get ‘A Second Opinion’ on your Resume before you send it out to the market
Have an amazing day.
Best wishes,
Leonie Lam
Career Coach | Speaker