In recent conversations with clients, family and friends, the topic of the day is, “There is so much on in my life, I rarely find the time to stop and just do nothing.”
We have the technology to potentially help us be more efficient in our lives and yet we are busier than ever. Bringing our mobile phones to the bathroom and the bed as well? I can admit to one of those things. Let’s face it, most of us are addicted to being … DISTRACTED.
It is easier to be distracted, then to face how we feel and the many things in life that are sometimes too hard to face. Or simply, we are comfortable being BUSY.
With so many things in our lives, how can we ensure we have a more meaningful life and a productive one?
I love Stephen Covey’s time management philosophy. Focus on the big rocks in life. Watch this video for more information, I highly recommend it: (only 4 minutes)
The concept is simply to focus on the big rocks which are the big priorities in your life. Know exactly what is important in your life and schedule those activities in your calendar way ahead of time.
For e.g. If Communication Skills training is important to you this year, find that course and schedule it in your calendar right away. Your dream holiday that you keep talking about and never making it happen because work is more important, book that holiday in right away. Work can work around your timetable (giving your employers as much notice as possible of course).
We tend to keep ourselves busy all day long but are we focusing on what is important to us in our lives?
Take some time to reflect on this and think about what activities or tasks is important to you and schedule that time in.
The big rocks mostly are the “not so urgent” tasks that are important. At work, it might be the training that you need to develop skills in an area. Personally, it might be the doctor appointment that you need to attend because if you have put it off for years. In the family, it might be the family holiday that you have not prioritised the time for as yet. In your career, it might be the resume that you have not updated in years as it is not needed as yet. And when a recruiter calls you out of the blue and asks for your resume ASAP, then you are rushing to update it.
Focus on what those big rocks are and schedule the task or activity in your calendar right away. Schedule it on repeat if required as well.
Some basic Time Management tips:
* Eat the Green Frog in the morning:
Focus on getting the most difficult task done first thing in the morning.
* 5-minute task – allocate only 5 minutes to getting a task done, starting the task is the hardest part, allocate in your mind only 5 minutes and you are halfway there.
* Write down 3 things today, that you want to achieve tomorrow?
* Ask yourself, “What can I do today that will make tomorrow a better day?”
Here is my recent YouTube:
A Second Opinion, a 15-minute review of your resume with a small investment of $50.00. Get a second opinion on your resume to ensure you position yourself correctly for the next ideal job.
Wishing you a wonderful day. Thank you for reading.
Kind regards,
Leonie Lam
Career Coach