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Reset your Mindset – Mindfulness

Reset your Mindset – Mindfulness Do you want to be happier at work and at home?Do you want to increase your productivity?Mindfulness can help you achieve this. Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention in the present moment and doing it with non-judgment (Jon Kabat-Zinn, 1979). Discover Mindfulness strategies that will help you be more effective in your life and at work. Learn about how you can introduce these techniques with your clients, colleagues, family and friends. “Regulating the mind is like driving a car and constantly having to shift gears to ever-changing traffic conditions. Mindfulness teaches you to be aware of what mental gear you are in and gives you the skills to disengage and engage when you choose. The practice of mindfulness sharpens your focus so you can do something about your mind being constantly distracted and mentally hijacked.” (Marianne Vicelich, Author & Entrepreneur). This webinar will include: • The benefits of mindfulness practices • 5-minute guided meditation session • 3 simple and effective techniques that will help you be more productive at work and at home “The mindfulness webinar is informative which included research and practical mindfulness practices that I feel I can implement in my life. ...
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Is your Volcano about to Erupt?

Is your Volcano about to Erupt? A Director of an organisation recently shared with me the analogy of a volcano (that she heard from a Teacher), when you just reach breaking point, you explode. It was a Teacher who helped her students draw a volcano, to identify that the baseline of the volcano can be very high and that is when it is about to erupt. All the frustration, anger and rage can come out of you. The teacher said to her students, it is important to know where your baseline is and also to tell your family and friends to help them understand you better.  I think we can all relate to this. Where is your baseline at the moment? Is it really high? Or are you doing okay? First is to become aware of your baseline and if required, share it with your loved ones to let them know where you are at. My baseline was very high last week, and I put a lot of effort in asking myself these questions: What is going on for me?Why am I stressed?What is bothering me? It takes a lot of self-awareness and self-reflection to ask yourself questions and identify what is bothering you. And then ...
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Be Ready for the Next Move

Are you feeling there is a lot of uncertainty at the moment? Is your job stable at the moment, however being uncertain if you might have a job in the future? We are facing challenging times together. Some people have lost their jobs and others are lucky to still have a job. Living in uncertainty is not easy. My question to you is, how are you preparing yourself to anticipate changes that may come? And in this environment, these changes can happen very quickly. Here are some career tips to help you to be proactive in your career: Networking Use this time to build your networks. The majority of the business and career opportunities I have had so far have been gained through networking. A few things that I do to build on my connections are: The Phone Call – call people to simply say “Hello.” People rarely make phone calls these days. When was the last time you received a call from someone, and they called just to say “Hi” and check in? We need to be more connected now more than ever, so call just to say hello.LinkedIn Endorsements and Recommendations – Use this time to endorse people’s skills and give recommendations. ...
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Top 20 Careers Resources

I created this list to share with anyone who is looking for work. You can share this with anyone you know who is looking for work as well. This year, I have achieved 10 years in managing my business My Focus. If you like this article, please support your network and myself by simply clicking the “Like” button. You are welcome to share this article as well. Thank you for your time. “My mission is to personally help 1,000 people achieve their career aspirations.” Please use all these resources as a Guide. As a Career Coach, I can help you to ensure that your resume, cover letters, selection criteria and/or targeted responses (public sector) are strong, clear and succinct. In an extremely competitive market, consider a second opinion on your application to increase the chances of being selected for an interview. 1.    Sample Resume of a Reverse Chronological Resume Sample Chronological Resume 2.    Sample Resume of a Functional Resume – generally used by individuals who are considering a career change or individuals who have a broad and diverse background. Sample Functional Resume 3.    Cover Letter Templates Cover Letter Templates 4.    Achievement Statements for various Careers. It is important that you have achievement statements in your resume. It ...
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Happiness & Your Career

I recently came back from a 9-day holiday in Bali, I had 5 days of massages and relaxation. How important is it that we take a break? I had the best holiday, away from emails, laptops, mobile phones and away from the Ongoing To Do List in my mind. Holidays are a great time to Stop, Think and Reflect. We really need to give our body and mind a good rest and if you haven’t as yet, start booking your next holiday. So how can we ensure we live a happier life and have a fulfilling career in 2020? Here are my 8 tips to help you have a radical year ahead: 8. Stop booking all your time in meetings and catching up with friends and family. Start booking time for yourself, book in the fitness class in advance, schedule it in the calendar, book in a massage, book in your next holiday. Block out the time for yourself and work and personal events will work around that. 7. Make sure you have 5 minutes between meetings. Schedule your meetings for 45 minutes or even 15-minute meetings. When I work onsite with clients on projects, I book in 15-minute meetings with my stakeholders. ...
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When Inconsistency Frustrates You

Recently I have been experiencing Identity (ID) Fraud issues. You hear it happens to others and you think it will never happen to you … and then it does. That is just life. It has been quite a deep learning experience going through being a victim of ID Fraud. It is quite common and as much as I would like to share with you what happened and what to be aware of, for now, I will invite you to look at a company called ID Care, they are super helpful (free service too).  https://www.idcare.org/ ID Fraud issues are increasingly becoming very common and it is so easy for people to access your information as everything is online. I do encourage you to have a look at that website in your spare time. What really really frustrated me throughout this process is the inconsistency of information from working with the government officials and professionals in the banking and telecommunications sector. Please do not take this personal if you work in these fields. However, what is important are the lessons I learned and how you can learn from this and be the best professional in your field. I noticed the customer service and ...
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The Value of Teamwork

Recently, I was kayaking in a creek and we hit shallow water in a double kayak. My teammate and I got stuck. Our leader said to get out of the kayak and pull the kayak out of the shallow area. It looked sandy shallow and I decided to get out of the kayak. My teammate stayed in the kayak. As soon as I got out of the kayak, my leg sunk into the sandy muddy water. I freaked thinking what if it is quicksand! I worked out how to quickly walk so I didn’t sink into the mud. My teammate asked if she should come out of the kayak to help me, I was determined and I told her to stay in the kayak. I was scared inside but I didn’t want her to take the risk of sinking in the mud with me as well. I moved as quickly as I could through the muddy water as well as pull the kayak out to the deeper waters. Then I quickly jumped back into the kayak without flipping the kayak. And we kept moving forward. The leader watched us come out of the shallow waters and he gave us a ...
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Focus on the Big Rocks in your Life

In recent conversations with clients, family and friends, the topic of the day is, “There is so much on in my life, I rarely find the time to stop and just do nothing.” We have the technology to potentially help us be more efficient in our lives and yet we are busier than ever. Bringing our mobile phones to the bathroom and the bed as well? I can admit to one of those things. Let’s face it, most of us are addicted to being … DISTRACTED. It is easier to be distracted, then to face how we feel and the many things in life that are sometimes too hard to face. Or simply, we are comfortable being BUSY. With so many things in our lives, how can we ensure we have a more meaningful life and a productive one? I love Stephen Covey’s time management philosophy. Focus on the big rocks in life. Watch this video for more information, I highly recommend it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV3gMTOEWt8 (only 4 minutes) The concept is simply to focus on the big rocks which are the big priorities in your life. Know exactly what is important in your life and schedule those activities in your calendar ...
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Ask for Feedback in your Career

Emma a high achiever, a quiet achiever, gets all her work done, achieves and exceeds expectations, stakeholders love her, clients love her and she is also a team player. The perfect colleague to work with and the perfect employee to have in a team. She has a lot of work to do and too busy working away that it is difficult to make time for herself and no time to get recommendations on LinkedIn. Being a quiet achiever, modest, it is very hard to ask people to provide feedback on your work, isn’t it? This is a true story of Emma. Recently we had a coffee and I encouraged her to ask for more recommendations. I looked at her LinkedIn profile and she only had 1 recommendation. She then took my advice and courage to reach out to ask and within 24 hours she received a recommendation right away. I was impressed. Especially with high performing professionals, when you ask people for support, people are more than happy to provide a recommendation, ultimately it is helping you position you better in the market as well as enhance their own profile on LinkedIn. On Saturday 2nd March 2019, I organised a ...
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After 450 Days of Meditation – Happier in Career and Life

In December 2017, I started my commitment to using the free mobile application called Insight Timer. Since then, I have meditated every day. My friends would be chatting to me and I would end the call with, “Got to go, I got to meditate.” I never thought I would ever say those words. It has been more than 450 days of consistent meditation. I practice a variety of meditation including moving meditations such as yoga and tai chi, walking meditation and sitting meditation and lying down to meditate as well (as long as you don’t sleep, burning a candle helps). Even Prince Harry meditates every day, following the lead of his wife Meghan Markle: https://people.com/royals/prince-harry-meditation-every-day/ Some of the greatest benefits in meditation backed up by science: Increase in happiness Increase in mindfulness Better relationships with family, friends and loved ones Improvement in decision-making skills Greater productivity at work A decrease in stress levels And many many more benefits Overall a better wellbeing I wrote an article about my amazing success in basketball about a year ago where I scored 22 points in one game, here is a link to that article if you are into sports and how meditation helped ...
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Build New Habits instead of just having Goals

In the new year, we usually have goals. We have new ideas. We have inspiration. We may have so many things we want to do. How do you get around to doing it all? I specifically haven’t set any personal goals this year. I have a few good habits that I want to incorporate and I want to ensure I do this every day for the next 3 months. So I have printed out the calendar for January, February and March. It is placed on the back of the main door in my home so it is visible and I see it every day. Every day as I diligently incorporate this new personal habit, I record my result on the calendar, give myself a nice GREEN TICK and I am set for the day. Incorporating new habits takes time and effort. And I am committed to this new personal habit. Have I got you curious what is it? For me it is eating breakfast, most of the time, I eat on the run and I am committed to eat at home before I leave for work. In this way, I am ready physically and mentally to spring through my day. ...
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How being Grateful can CHANGE your day at work?

Recently I was travelling to work, I left my home at 7.15am and allowed plenty of time to get to the client site by 9.00am. It was raining and I drove to a train station to park my car. As I drove, I nearly got hit by another car which randomly took a U-turn after a traffic light intersection. The rain and traffic delayed my day and then I decided to take an Uber into work. The Uber request got cancelled by not 1, but 3 Uber drivers that morning. I finally got an Uber driver who was committed to pick me up and take me to work. I ended up getting in at 9.15am. I felt super rushed and terrible for being late on a client site where I was meeting with two senior managers. Luckily, they too, were having a bad morning and they were also late. Have you had one of those days? Everything just seemed like it was going all wrong that morning. I was totally aware of this. I had a choice, either to keep thinking, “The rest of my day will continue to go wrong?” OR “I need to shift my thinking in order ...
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Live the Life you want to Live

Be Inspired in July I have shared the below phrases in one of my global personal development forums which has had an extremely positive impact and I would like to share it with you.  6 months of 2018 has passed, time to Stop, Think and Reflect. Some thoughts to consider: Be kind to yourself If you had tried, pat yourself on the back If you started something and you have not as yet finished, give yourself credit for starting If you are paying attention to what people are saying, pay MORE attention to what you are saying to yourself If you are comparing yourself to others, start comparing yourself to the way you USED to be If you feel that you are not perfect as yet, not knowledgeable as yet, not beautiful as yet, remember you are a human being I hope you have enjoyed reading the above.  And a little bit more, I would like to share with you: Best Leadership article I have read this year: (Send this article to someone you know who inspires you and it will make them smile) https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/unique-habits-ridiculously-likeable-people-dr-travis-bradberry/   Best Video I have watched this year: Simon Sinek, Organisational Consultant and Speaker, Simon speaks about Millennials in ...
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When Life Gets Tough In Your Career

I experienced a difficult challenge on one of my projects last year. I certainly felt that it was easier to quit the project and focus my energies on more interesting projects. I listened to myself, my gut feeling said, “Just quit it. You deserve better than this.” Then I stopped and I said, “What if I just give it one more go? I was experiencing one of the most challenging times in my business, if I pass this challenge, then I am set.” Guess what I did? I actually got creative and I knew that I was stuck with a challenge and I just did not know how to fix it. It was easier to quit but I decided to give it one last try. Creating problem solving is key here. I thought about how I can resolve my problem. First, I asked myself, “Do I have the knowledge to solve the problem?” And clearly, I didn’t. I then thought, “Who can I get help from? Do I call the immediate Account Manager to seek their advice or do I call an external person? If I call the immediate Account Manager, it might not go in my favour.” So I ...
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What do you do when you go Blank during an Interview?

Recently, I met a professional who was highly capable and experienced in his field, but he said sometimes he goes blank during an interview. So what do you do if you go blank? I will share with you 3 strategies on how to handle this situation. Strategy No. 1 Ask, “Is it possible if we can come back to this question later?” Experienced interviewers understand that you may be nervous and answers do not come to mind right away. Ask politely if you can come back to this question later and remember to take a note of the question. Sometimes, the interviewers might forget to come back to the question so I would suggest to only use this strategy once during an interview. Strategy No. 2 Bring a pen and notebook into the interview. Ask politely if you can take brief notes during the interview, if required. Most interviewers that I know would be comfortable with this, but ask, just in case. Sometimes interview questions are grouped together and 2-3 questions are asked all at once. After you listen to all the questions, you might have forgotten the initial questions asked. It is very handy to have pen and paper there ...
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How being Grateful can CHANGE your day at Work?

Recently I was traveling to work, I left my home at 7.15am and allowed plenty of time to get to the client site by 9.00am. It was raining and I drove to a train station to park my car. As I drove, I nearly got hit by another car which randomly took a U-turn after a traffic light intersection. The rain and traffic delayed my day and then I decided to take an Uber into work. The Uber request got cancelled by not 1, but 3 Uber drivers that morning. I finally got an Uber driver who was committed to pick me up and take me to work. I ended up getting in at 9.15am. I felt super rushed and terrible for being late on a client site where I was meeting with two senior managers. Luckily, they too, were having a bad morning and they were also late. Have you had one of those days? Everything just seemed like it was going all wrong that morning. I was totally aware of this. I had a choice, either to keep thinking, “The rest of my day will continue to go wrong?” OR “I need to shift my thinking in order to change my day.” ...
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Give the Gift that Keeps Giving

We have 14 days until Christmas. Talking to my network of friends and business associates, most of us are feeling tired with the busy year that has gone by. Some of you may be feeling the same. With 14 days to go, we tend to want to HURRY our lives to get to the holiday season. But when we are hurrying, we can dread our daily lives until then. Use the next 14 days to simply SLOW DOWN and appreciate the simple things in life. Reflect on this year and think about a few achievements you have made. It can be simple as: completing a 1-day training coursehelping a colleague at worklearning a new skillmaking new friendsor simply … surviving 2018! Often we don’t stop and reflect. But when we do, think of how far we have come? Reflect on the people who have helped you this year. I would like to take this opportunity to send special thanks to a few people who have supported me in my business this year: Kristy Guo – who interviewed me and wrote an article about meDiana Thai – who diligently supported me at the Western Sydney Career ExpoAlan Suy – who helped me with my major website ...
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5 Inspirational Thoughts for 2017 – Happy New Year

  1. A New Beginning … Begin the new year with a fresh mind and set your intention for each day, “I am going to have the best day of my life today.” It is a brand new year, let the past be in the past, focus on the present moment and plan for future. 2. Sleep comes First Make sleep your first priority. If you want to have a successful day, you need to ensure you get your 7-8 hours of sleep. After 6pm, try to minimise activities that require concentration, including social media and phone calls. Get into bed earlier than usual, set an alarm to remind yourself to sleep early. 3. Do Something Different that is Out of your Comfort Zone. We grow and feel happier with ourselves when we are doing things out of our comfort zone. And it also gives us more self-confidence. Some of the activities that I have tried to stretch myself further are Surfing, Kayaking and Yoga. Think of an activity or a course that will stretch you out of your comfort zone this year. 4. Spend Quality Time with Family and Friends Scientific research shows that those who are happier in ...
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3 Inspirational Thoughts for August 2016

  1. “We don’t learn from our experiences, we learn from our reflections of our experiences.” I have been attending a lot of professional development events lately. If you haven’t been attending, I encourage you to do so. It looks great on your resume, you can get inspired and learn new knowledge. One of the things I recently learnt, “We don’t learn from our experiences, we learn from our reflections of our experiences” (Professional Speakers Association). What this means is that when we make the time to reflect in our lives, that is when we truly learn from our experiences.   2. Exercise – you hear it all the time, but I have now come to conclude, EXERCISE has a DIRECT relationship to your happiness. Healthy body, healthy mind. For a very long time, I exercised because it is good for you. After reading many articles on habits of happy people, I have concluded, “Exercise has a DIRECT relationship with our happiness levels.” So change your beliefs of what exercise means to you and you might just start exercising a bit more. After all, don’t we all want to be happy?   3. According to Anthony Robbins, “Progress equals Happiness.” ...
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Be your own Inspiration

  Get inspired this month with simple things that will make you feel better and happier. It’s the time of the year that we get cold, maybe tired and have the winter blues. Get yourself inspired by doing the 7 activities below:   1. Did you know in winter we need to get about 26 minutes of sunshine everyday? Make sure you schedule it in your calendar at work to get some sunshine, either sit in the sun and have your lunch or go for a walk. (Sydney: 26-28 minutes. Melbourne: 32-52 minutes. Body and Soul Magazine, 19th June 2016).   2. Did you know that the biggest health benefit occur in the first 20 minutes of a workout? (Good Health Magazine, July 2016) Set yourself a goal this month, it can be simply to exercise for 20 minutes, 3 times a week.   3. Feeling a bit blue, go grab a coffee with an old friend. Coffee will give you a real kick or even a cup of green tea. Use this time to reflect on the past 6 months, your achievements or simply lessons learnt. Take the time to reflect and acknowledge your achievements. More importantly, if you can write ...
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Success Story – After 2 hours, I was so confident with myself

  Carmen Cordoba HR Advisor au.linkedin.com/in/carmen-cordoba-02250233   My Background I am an HR professional with more than 10 years of experience who arrived in Sydney in 2011 as an international student. I didn’t have the confidence to look for a job. I felt that my English wasn’t good enough to apply for a job in HR. I arrived in a new continent where I am unfamiliar with the culture and the language. I felt that I had to start again. I had no hope. I felt incapable to continue in my career. I was an HR Manager in my country and now I am in Australia, I felt that I had to take baby steps again. My personal barrier was that I felt it was too difficult to get even a start in a decent office job in Australia.   Before Coaching  Before Leonie coached me, I wasn’t confident with myself. I couldn’t sell myself. I felt like I couldn’t communicate in an interview. I knew by leaving my country, I had to reinvent myself. I was prepared to get $15 an hour. I was going to work in a restaurant, in retail or even as a cleaner. I honesty ...
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Do you have Job Satisfaction in your Career?

  I was inspired by my Barista to write this article. As a Barista, he would see different people day in day out and he said, “About 9 out of 10 people who walk in each day, are just not happy at work. For some people their highlight of their day is going to buy their perfect cup of coffee.” Now if you enjoy your work, then you are lucky that you have job satisfaction in your career. I remember early on in my career someone said to me, “Work is just work, just accept that you won’t like it.” I have never accepted this, I need to enjoy my work. I enjoy helping people, I enjoy inspiring and coaching people to achieve their career goals. So I would like to share with you 3 questions that you can ask yourself: Monday morning, do I want to go to work? (If not, why not?)Am I feeling drained at the end of the week because I really don’t enjoy work?What is holding me back in pursuing my ideal career? If you are dreading work and you just don’t want to be at work, it may be that you are working in ...
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