Get inspired this month with simple things that will make you feel better and happier. It’s the time of the year that we get cold, maybe tired and have the winter blues.
Get yourself inspired by doing the 7 activities below:
1. Did you know in winter we need to get about 26 minutes of sunshine everyday? Make sure you schedule it in your calendar at work to get some sunshine, either sit in the sun and have your lunch or go for a walk. (Sydney: 26-28 minutes. Melbourne: 32-52 minutes. Body and Soul Magazine, 19th June 2016).
2. Did you know that the biggest health benefit occur in the first 20 minutes of a workout? (Good Health Magazine, July 2016) Set yourself a goal this month, it can be simply to exercise for 20 minutes, 3 times a week.
3. Feeling a bit blue, go grab a coffee with an old friend. Coffee will give you a real kick or even a cup of green tea. Use this time to reflect on the past 6 months, your achievements or simply lessons learnt. Take the time to reflect and acknowledge your achievements. More importantly, if you can write it down then you can add this to your resume to record your career progression.
4. Did you know that many CEOs are practicing meditation everyday?
Meditation has been scientifically proven to help you concentrate better and reduce stress. Here are some of my favourite meditation videos:
Enjoy. Just listen and take some deep breaths.
5. Get out of comfort zone and try Yoga. Yoga changed my life. I started practicing yoga since September last year. There are studios that offer unlimited classes for a period of 10 to 30 days for very reasonable prices. Give it a go and reap the benefits of yoga in your daily life.
6. What do all happy people have in common?
They share one habit in common, they practice gratitude on a daily basis. Before you sleep, think of 3 things that you are grateful about in your day. Yesterday, I was grateful of the perfect coffee that I had, I attended a yoga class and I got to play basketball with my team and we won!
7. Finally the last activity … very simple and effective. Take the day off!
Try not to be hard on yourself this month, 6 months has passed and most of us are constantly on the go. Take this month to relax and chill. Stop scheduling everything in your calendar on the weekend. Take a day off and just sit at home and allow yourself to fully relax.
Rest for a month, and then you will have more energy to finish off the rest of the year with greater success.