1. A New Beginning …
Begin the new year with a fresh mind and set your intention for each day, “I am going to have the best day of my life today.” It is a brand new year, let the past be in the past, focus on the present moment and plan for future.
2. Sleep comes First
Make sleep your first priority. If you want to have a successful day, you need to ensure you get your 7-8 hours of sleep. After 6pm, try to minimise activities that require concentration, including social media and phone calls. Get into bed earlier than usual, set an alarm to remind yourself to sleep early.
3. Do Something Different that is Out of your Comfort Zone.
We grow and feel happier with ourselves when we are doing things out of our comfort zone. And it also gives us more self-confidence. Some of the activities that I have tried to stretch myself further are Surfing, Kayaking and Yoga. Think of an activity or a course that will stretch you out of your comfort zone this year.
4. Spend Quality Time with Family and Friends
Scientific research shows that those who are happier in life, spend quality time with family and friends. Work is important but make sure you make time for your family and friends and BE present with them when you are there. Put the mobile phone away and really enjoy the company of your loved ones.
5. Plan your Day and you will be less Stressed and maybe Eat less
Plan your day so you know exactly what you are doing each hour. Allow an hour for distractions and focus on a task each hour. Our minds get stressed when we have so much to do and we don’t know where to start. By planning, you will be less stressed and maybe you might notice when you are less stressed, you eat slightly lesser than usual.
I wish you all a Happy New Year. May 2017 bring you happiness, success and joy in everything you do.
I have also created a monthly Meetup group to meet in the Sydney CBD. If you are in town, on 9th February (evening), you are welcome to join me on the first session: Inspire Each Other for an Amazing 2017.
Best wishes to all,
Leonie Lam
Career Advisor | HR Consultant | Trainer